Bucks Free Herald – Obituaries (26th Mar 1910)

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It is with much regret we have to record the death of Mr. John Forrest, of Grymsdyke, Lacey Green, who passed away at Cheltenham, on Monday morning, after a protracted illness, at the age of 69 years. The late Mr. Forrest was a large landowner and a highly-esteemed resident of the village, where he had lived for over 30 years. He was greatly interested in the welfare of Lacey Green and district, and his establish-ment of the Cottage Garden Association, of which he was the President for many years, was only one of the many evidences of this. He was a staunch Conservative and Unionist, and a convinced Tariff Reformer. He was for many years President of the Princes Risborough Branch of the Mid Bucks Conservative and Unionist Association – a post he resigned about two years ago – and, in addition, he was the Ruling Councillor of the Lacey Green Habitation of the Primrose League for a long period. In this connection it is of melancholy interest to note that the late Mrs. Forrest was actively identified with the same movement, being the Dame President of the Habitation. Her garden parties and meetings at Grymdyke in connection with the Primrose League were notable annual fixtures. This lady died five years ago, to the great sorrow of the inhabitants of the locality, by whom she was held in great affection and esteem. The late Mr. John Forrest, amongst other public offices, held that of Justice of the Peace for Bucks, and Chairman of the Princes Risborough Bench. His wife having pre-deceased him, he now leaves to mourn his loss four sons – the Rev. John Graham Forrest, Captain C.E. Forrest, of the 43rd Oxfordshire Light Infantry (now in India), Mr. Guy Archibald Forrest, and Mr Frank Forrest, a gentleman well-known and respected in South Bucks. The deceased gentleman had another estate at Pegglesworth, Cheltenham, but lived most of his time at Lacey Green. He not only took a great interest in the community amongst which he lived, but was a good and considerate employer. – The funeral was arranged to take place on Thursday, at the Parish Church, Lacey Green.